Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Scanned FP-100 image - Taken on Polaroid Automatic 100

Polaroid FAIL!!!

This is a scan of a Polaroid instantpicture, front & back, (PX 70 impossible project film to be precise!)... Itwas taken with my good old, trusty SX-70, however the film pack was one ofImpossible's earlier productions, (experimental film as Impossible themselveslike to call it)... Anyway to cut to the chase: the reason it ended up lookinglike this was because the pod at the bottom of the image (containing thechemicals for the development of the picture) failed to burst when beingejected through the rollers of my camera after the picture was taken, Thereforeno image was produced! 

I know your probably thinking: Thatstill doesn't really fully explain why it ended up looking this surreal, wellwhen i realized the pod was faulty on the film, and therefore worthless foranything, I thought to myself, I'm not going to let it go to waste, especiallyafter paying good, hard-earned money for it. I'll make something out of I got the image and squeezed the chemical pod at the bottom (like you dotoothpaste from its tube). It took a lot of pressure before it eventually burstat the bottom right corner. Some of the chemicals oozed into the image area (asit should, inside between the two layers of plastic), but the majority of thechemicals burst outside of the polaroid, which I decided to use as paint, todecorate & make a mess of the failed polaroid using my finger. 

This, above, was my final result. 
(Better than ending up in the trash I suppose!)